October 25th, 2018
Landlords need their rental properties to attract tenants in order to run their successful small (or large) business. Long-term landlords will want to attract long-term tenants to keep the administrative work down and build good landlord-tenant relationships.
Nothing will have a prospective tenant running for the door like a neglected unit. In this post, we’ll look at a handful of small – but essential – changes or fixes that landlords can use to make their rental property more appealing to tenants.
You don’t have to hire a professional photographer, but you should take some good pictures of your unit and its features once it is empty and clean. Great photographs can be used to show off your property when it’s advertised online. This is now the industry standard.
Make your photos stand out by taking them during the day so all the natural light is spilling through the windows. Keep any décor or staging in mind, and make sure to display the entire property with the images.
Don’t leave out any important rooms or folks might think you’re trying to hide something.
Before you even show the unit, your property will be judged by its cover, which leads us to our next tip...
Your level of curb appeal depends on how attractive your property is from the street. To enhance its curb appeal, make sure there is no clutter or garbage in the laneway or on the porch; that shrubs are pruned, and bushes are not overgrown; that leaves are raked and lawns are trimmed; and that garages, pavement, and roofs are in good repair.
Regular and ongoing property maintenance keeps landlords on top of their curb appeal game.
Neutral colours will always work well in a space and allows prospective tenants to picture themselves in the unit. Bright accents help perk up the space, adding some optimism and fresh takes on the environment.
Try to get your property up to par with a hotel, if you can. Cleanliness needs to be one of your top priorities, plus, it's one of the best ways to attract a clean tenant.
Make bathrooms pop with fresh, affordable fixes. Add some nice sconce lighting, replace that old toilet and upgrade the faucets.
The kitchen can be a bit trickier, because not every tenant will use it in the same way.
Some busy-bees might be grabbing take-out more than using the stove, while mature tenants will recognize the value of a functional kitchen.
Whether it’s a stove or refrigerator, tenants will like seeing contemporary appliances and cabinets in their unit.